Easy to use Property, Tenant and Work Order Management tool. Keep track of your expenses and incomes for each unit, create work order, notify your contractor and setup reminders all in one place. Generate customizable Lease Agreement, Rental Application Form, and payment statements for each tenant. Generate a history of your income and expenses for any property. Review and rate your contractor to share with other users.
Create multiple properties and units.
Keep track of operational costs
Keep track of all utility providers and utility payments.
Send email to all tenants of the property.
Save all email communications for future use.
Create an Application Form and email to tenants.
Generate a lease agreement and email to tenants.
Setup Tenant information.
Send email notifications to the tenants
Save all email communications for future re-use.
Keep track of all rental payments and other payments.
Generate payment reports and send to tenants.
Show message when a tenant is late for payment.
Create work orders for a property or unit.
Select a contractor to provide the service.
Send email to a contractor
Rate your contractor and give comments.
Find reviews from other users.
Generate payment and expense history by date range.
Review history by property, unit or category.
Email a report.
Setup default property types.
Setup default work order categories.
Setup default operational cost categories.
Setup défault maintenance contractors.
Setup additional payment categories.
Select currency